Tuesday 4 September 2018

Break Shit is Break Shit (fourteenth letter to Lowri)

Here is another of the gigantic Lowris. I saw the graffiti nearby and thought it would be funny if the man in glasses was saying, “Breakshit is Breakshit.” The giant Lowri’s reply is the graffiti: “Breakshit is the devil’s work!” See how I avoided typing the dreadful “B” word. I took a devout monastic vow to never type or say that word. I always refer to “Leaving the EU.” I have to pay more letter tax, but it’s worth every penny. At the last moment I asked Whitney Bluzma to get me in the photo, pointing at the graffiti and shouting the message about the devil into my phone to the gigantic Lowri and her bespectacled friend. Nearby skateboarders seemed slightly bemused. This short street performance was titled, “Leaving the EU is the devil’s work, and the devil is Boris Johnson.” My hope is that it will contribute in some tiny way to helping exorcise that lying buffoon from all our lives forever. Whilst Boris is in Aquarius and The Sun is up his arse, there is no hope for anyone. Later on Piccadilly I spotted a “Naughty Bus.” Instead of a number and destination the display read, “Naughty Bus.” Suddenly people were shouting and raising French flags on Piccadilly Plaza! The EU had betrayed us again and France had invaded! I hurried home to fetch my sword, but dozed off before I could join the fray, so like a minister I am now resigned to my fate. Perhaps you would be safer staying in Brazil until the innocent and saintly hero of the patriots, the pinball wizard Tommy Robinson, can lead us all bravely into battle against Jeanni Foreigner and we can make Britain grate again.

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