Wednesday, 21 March 2012

POrtsmouth POleshift

I had never been to a gig in Portsmouth before, and walked along the seafront to the Pyramids. Passing a hovercraft landing the song became alive: the vehicle was making the drone that heralds
a song that was dropped from the set that night, never to return.
I marked out the points before the Joke erupted and as I stopped to sip cider Youth walked into the Pyramids and said hello. The sound was excellent and what the Gathering lacked in number that night they more than made up for in enthusiasm. The Joke rewarded their friends from the southern Extremities of the country by returning for an encore of Requiem and Wardance which were at their most incendiery. There is footage of these songs on youtube. Earlier in the gig Jaz had a short rant about the navy being a bunch of mugs. I'd picked up some army recruitment leaflets at the Stranglers gig in Lincoln Engine Shed the night before, and wardanced by tearing them up and throwing them in the air. After the gig I met a woman of liberty called Kelly, which is an Irish word for war.

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